Friday, January 13, 2023

indecent assault pennsylvania

Indecent Assault Pennsylvania - Being accused of a sexual crime such as indecent assault is devastating for you and your family. You may find that the accusation alone has already affected your relationships and work. It's also very scary because you face huge fines and possibly a long prison sentence if you're convicted. You will also face the restrictions and inconvenience of being on the sex offender registry.

Even if the court of public opinion has already proven you guilty, you have the right to a fair trial and to defend yourself against these charges. A Norristown misdemeanor assault attorney can help listen to your side of the story, gather evidence, and provide an aggressive defense.

Indecent Assault Pennsylvania

Indecent Assault Pennsylvania

Attorney David MacKenzie III is a former criminal prosecutor who can use his inside knowledge to work for you and defend you against indecent assault charges. For a free review of your case, contact McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. today at (610) 680-7842.

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According to Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (PA CS) § 3126, someone is guilty of indecent assault if they intentionally and inappropriately interfere with the victim's private area and the person does so:

Another closely related offense is offensive assault, in which the person interferes with the victim's body part, under PA CS. § 3125. Like indecent assault, a person commits an aggravated indecent assault when he commits even a minor crime if:

If you are facing any of these charges or any other type of sex crime, a Norristown indecent assault attorney can help you explain the charges, hear your side of the story, and work together with you to build a strong defense. For a free, no-risk review of your case, contact McKenzie Law Firm, PC. today at (610) 680-7842.

Penalties under PA C.S. Title 18 charges for indecent assault vary depending on the type of crime.

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The crime is a second-degree felony if the victim is under 16 and the person is four years older, or if the person touches the victim without her consent. If convicted of a second-degree felony, you could be fined not less than $500 and not more than $5,000 and imprisoned for up to two years.

A crime is a first degree felony if the person has indecent contact with a victim and does so through violent coercion or the threat of violent coercion, using drugs or alcohol strong enough to prevent the victim from resisting, the victim is unconscious, mentally disabled, or under 13 years of age. For this crime, a conviction can mean a fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

If someone has been convicted of indecent assault in the past, another conviction will result in a third degree felony charge. It is also a third degree felony if the person touches their sexual parts with those of the victim. A third-degree felony carries a fine of up to $15,000 and up to seven years in prison.

Indecent Assault Pennsylvania

Indecent assault is a second degree offense in most cases. However, if the victim is under the age of 13 and the offense is committed against their consent, with violent coercion, with the threat of violent coercion, the victim is disabled, unconscious or tamed so they don't resist, that is. philosophy in the first degree.

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A second-degree felony carries a fine of up to $25,000 and up to 10 years in prison. After PA C.S. title 18 § 1101, a felony of the first degree can carry a fine of up to $25,000 and, according to PA CS. title 18 § 1103, prison sentence up to 20 years.

As you can see, the consequences of a conviction for indecent assault or another sexual offense are severe. This can mean a large fine and possibly years of your life in prison.

A Norristown misdemeanor assault attorney can help you investigate your case, examine the evidence, and challenge invalid evidence. They can also work with experts to collect and analyze forensic evidence while building a strong defense for your case.

A defense attorney experienced in handling such cases can explain the charges you face, hear your side of the story, and help you understand your rights. Being charged with a crime does not mean you are guilty or will be found guilty. However, memories fade with time, and the sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner they can get to work gathering evidence related to your case.

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The compassionate team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. realizing that your future and your rights are at stake. We are here to fight for your rights. Contact McKenzie Law Company, PC. today at (610) 680-7842.

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